6,306 research outputs found

    Hybrid coastal edges in the Neuquén Basin (Allen Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Argentina)

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    The Allen Formation records the first Ingression Atlantic to the Neuquén Basin during the Late Cretaceous. The definition of lithofacies and facies associations interpretation for stratigraphic sections in Paso Córdoba and Salitral Moreno area, Río Negro, Argentina allowed to establish the depositional system that characterized this transgression in the northeastern edge of the Basin. In this paper we present sedimentological analysis of conglomeratic, sandstone, heterolithic and pelitic facies, which allowed the interpretation of tidal channels (CM), intertidal flats (PI), tidal flat influenced by storms (PT), subtidal flat (PS) and shoreface deposits (CP) parts of the depositional environment. These deposits represent a sedimentary records preserved example of hybrid systems, in which, the base of the sequence has greater tidal influence, while the upper portion is dominated by wave action. The paleocurrent data indicating a NNW-SSE direction to the shore and correlations and spatial distribution of facies associations propose paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental interpretations to Malargüe Group base. Then in this paper the relationship of this coastal environment presents with wind systems previously defined in this area for the Allen Formation.Fil: Armas, María Paula. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.exactas Fisicoquimicas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente.; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Maria Lidia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; Argentin

    Promoting oral health for people with cardiovascular disease : a mixed-methods study to inform the development of a nurse-led Cardiovascular Oral Health (CARDIOH) program

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally. There is now strong evidence showing that periodontal (gum) disease is linked to atherosclerotic CVD, with inflammation as the common underlying factor. Consequently, international consensus statements recommend increasing awareness among clinicians and patients about the link between periodontal disease and CVD and including oral health screening and education in the cardiac setting. Despite these recommendations, there is limited information about the oral health perceptions, knowledge, and practices of patients with CVD. Further, the current practices of cardiac care clinicians in this area are largely unknown, particularly in the Australian context. The overall aim of this mixed-methods study was to explore oral healthcare for people with CVD in Australia to inform the development of a nurse-led cardiovascular oral health program. This thesis is presented as a series of five published papers. The study findings revealed that most participants (cardiac care clinicians and patients) were unaware of the relationship between oral health and CVD. This study has provided valuable insight into this neglected aspect of cardiac care, particularly in Australia. It has shown that despite the current evidence and recommendations there is limited focus on oral healthcare promotion by cardiac care clinicians. Not surprisingly, patients with CVD are not receiving adequate information in this area, which is concerning, as this has been identified as a key influencing factor for people with CVD in seeking dental care, along with accessible and affordable dental care. A preventative nurse-led model of oral healthcare promotion services, where cardiac nurses are equipped in providing oral health information, screening and referrals to appropriate dental care services is required, so that patients with CVD receive appropriate information about oral healthcare as well as timely access to dental care

    Current approaches for modulation of the nanoscale interface in the regulation of cell behavior

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    Regulation of cell behavior in response to nanoscale features has been the focus of much research in recent years and the successful generation of nanoscale features capable of mimicking the natural nanoscale interface has been of great interest in the field of biomaterials research. In this review, we discuss relevant nanofabrication techniques and how they are combined with bioengineering applications to mimic the natural extracellular matrix (ECM) and create valuable nanoscale interfaces

    A systematic review of speech recognition technology in health care

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    BACKGROUND To undertake a systematic review of existing literature relating to speech recognition technology and its application within health care. METHODS A systematic review of existing literature from 2000 was undertaken. Inclusion criteria were: all papers that referred to speech recognition (SR) in health care settings, used by health professionals (allied health, medicine, nursing, technical or support staff), with an evaluation or patient or staff outcomes. Experimental and non-experimental designs were considered. Six databases (Ebscohost including CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, OVID Technologies, PreMED-LINE, PsycINFO) were searched by a qualified health librarian trained in systematic review searches initially capturing 1,730 references. Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were retained. RESULTS The heterogeneity of the studies made comparative analysis and synthesis of the data challenging resulting in a narrative presentation of the results. SR, although not as accurate as human transcription, does deliver reduced turnaround times for reporting and cost-effective reporting, although equivocal evidence of improved workflow processes. CONCLUSIONS SR systems have substantial benefits and should be considered in light of the cost and selection of the SR system, training requirements, length of the transcription task, potential use of macros and templates, the presence of accented voices or experienced and in-experienced typists, and workflow patterns.Funding for this study was provided by the University of Western Sydney. NICTA is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Communications and the Australian Research Council through the ICT Centre of Excellence Program. NICTA is also funded and supported by the Australian Capital Territory, the New South Wales, Queensland and Victorian Governments, the Australian National University, the University of New South Wales, the University of Melbourne, the University of Queensland, the University of Sydney, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology, Monash University and other university partners

    Humboldt in the time of Covid : Youth\u27s Mental Health with Paula Nedelcoff LMFT

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    Our interview conducted on December 6, 2021 at 10:00 AM, took place over zoom. Although both participants Audio was recorded on a separate device. We discuss mental health in general, how local students have adapted to the change, and the challenge students and service providers have encountered in offering therapy

    Landscape of an exact energy functional

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    One of the great challenges of electronic structure theory is the quest for the exact functional of density functional theory. Its existence is proven, but it is a complicated multivariable functional that is almost impossible to conceptualize. In this paper the asymmetric two-site Hubbard model is studied, which has a two-dimensional universe of density matrices. The exact functional becomes a simple function of two variables whose threedimensional energy landscape can be visualized and explored. A walk on this unique landscape, tilted to an angle defined by the one-electron Hamiltonian, gives a valley whose minimum is the exact total energy. This is contrasted with the landscape of some approximate functionals, explaining their failure for electron transfer in the strongly correlated limit. We show concrete examples of pure-state density matrices that are not v representable due to the underlying nonconvex nature of the energy landscape. The exact functional is calculated for all numbers of electrons, including fractional, allowing the derivative discontinuity to be visualized and understood. The fundamental gap for all possible systems is obtained solely from the derivatives of the exact functional.We gratefully acknowledge funding from Ramon y Cajal (P.M.-S.) and the Royal Society (A.J.C.). P.M.S. also acknowledges funding from MINECO Grant No. FIS2015-64886-C5-5-P

    Río Colorado Subgroup (Neuquén Group): Paleosimicity record in the Andean foreland basin, Neuquén basin, Neuquén y Río Negro provinces

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    La cuenca Neuquina se localiza en el sector centro-oeste de Argentina, constituyendo el depocentro mesozoico-neogeno más importante y una de las cuencas del hemisferio sur con excelente registro marino y continental. La evolución de la cuenca Neuquina se encuentra caracterizada por tres estadios de evolución: una etapa inicial de rift; subducción relacionada a un sag termal y un estadio de cuenca de antepaís. El Subgrupo Río Colorado es depositado en la cuenca durante el desarrollo de la etapa de antepaís. La tectónica sindepositacional del subgrupo es registrada por tres niveles deformados, dos en la Formación Bajo de Carpa y uno en la Formación Anacleto. Los mismos están integrados por estructuras de deformación y licuefacción interpretadas como sismitas. La deformación está representada por estructuras de carga simple, bolas y cogines, flamígeras, pseudonódulos, laminación convoluta, pinch and swell, slumps, areniscas desorganizadas, areniscas replegadas, diapiros de fango, fracturas, dish and pillar y brechas autoclásticas. Estas deformaciones en la Formación Bajo de la carpa involucra depósitos de cinturones de canal y de planicie de inundación; mientras que en la Formación Anacleto afecta a los depósitos de canales de mareas de alta y baja sinuosidad; planicies intermareal fango-arenosa y planicie fangosa supramareal, asociados a un sistema estuárico medio. Los niveles de sísmitas reconocidos podrían estar asociados al lineamiento Lindero Atravesado y Sierra Barrosa y ser una respuesta dinámica a la actividad de dichas es-tructuras. La naturaleza de las estructuras y su distribución sugiere que la magnitud de los sismos podría ser mayor a 6 en escala de Ritcher en el Mesozoico.The Neuquén basin is located in the central and western part of Argentina and represents the most important Mesozoic-Neogene depocenter in the country and is one of the basins of the Southern Hemisphere with an excellent marine and continental record. It is characterized by three stage of evolution: an initial rift, subduction related to “sag” a state of thermal and foreland basin. The Río Colorado Subgroup is deposited during the foreland development. Subgroup sindepositacional tectonics is recorded by three deformational levels, two in Bajo de la Carpa Formation and one in the Anacleto Formation. They are composed of deformation and liquefaction structures interpreted as sismites. The deformation is represented by simple load structures, balls and pillows, flaming, pseudonódulos, lamination convolute, pinch and swell, slumps, sandstone disorganized, folded sandstone, mud diapirs, fractures, dish and pillar and autoclastic breccias. These deformational structures in the Bajo de la Carpa Formation involves deposits of channel belts and flood plain, while in the Anacleto Formation deposits affects the tidal channels of high and low sinuosity, intertidal mud flats, sandy and muddy plain supratidal associated with an middle estuarine system. The recognized sismitas levels are probably associated with Sierra Barrosa and Lindero Atravesado lineaments and these maybe are dynamic response to the activity of the structures. The nature of the structures and their distribution suggests that the magnitude of earthquakes is greater than 6 on Richter scale.Fil: Sanchez, Maria Lidia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; ArgentinaFil: Asurmendi, Estefania. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Armas, María Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; Argentin